
365bet官网中文登陆’s careers portal provides opportunities to apply online for open positions at the Foundation.

我们正在寻找那些希望自己的工作对他人的健康和福祉产生有意义影响的人. 我们提供全面的福利待遇,并以成为平权行动/平等机会雇主而自豪. 查看我们的 《365bet官网中文登陆》规定的雇员权利和责任.

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基金会很高兴地宣布我们正在寻找新的 社区投资副总裁 & 影响.

The Vice President role represents an exciting opportunity for an individual who has a passion for advancing health and well-being and a deep appreciation of the important role of philanthropy and of CHF in strengthening the organizations that are working to advance health 股本 in Colorado. CHF寻求的是一种灵感和鼓舞, 熟练且经验丰富, 在科罗拉多的重要时刻加入我们的团队, 瑞士法郎. 副总裁, CII is a key contributor to the executive leadership team of the Foundation and is responsible for the collaborative deployment and impact of grants and community investments, 到2023年总计超过1亿美元. 副总裁, CII将向首席影响官报告并与之密切合作, 谁监督基金会与奖助金有关的计划策略的发展与执行, 影响投资, 学习与评价, 政策倡导. 副总裁,CII将领导社区投资 & 影响部,直接指导三位投资组合总监. CII团队由23人组成,包括投资组合总监, 高级项目官员, 项目官员, 项目助理. 这次搜索由艾莉森·库普弗·波提特领导, 艾伦LaPointe, 和国家高管猎头公司NPAG的安德里萨斯Marcuse-González. 如欲进一步了解该职位并提出申请,有意者可 在NPAG的网站上查看完整的职位简介. 如有任何有关流程的问题或让我们知道您的无障碍需求, 请发送电子邮件至 (电子邮件保护).


基金会很高兴地宣布招聘 高级学习 & 评估人员

The Senior Officer leads a subset of the Foundation’s portfolios in the design and implementation of 学习与评价 strategies. 作为这项工作的一部分, the position is responsible for creating and implementing comprehensive plans that integrate strategic conversations with learning and evidence, 设计和部署评估研究, 让团队参与学习,为未来的战略工作提供信息,并评估现有的工作. 高级干事还支持围绕战略的组织能力建设方面的工作, 证据与学习, 以及创建和监督学习的结构和实践 & 评估团队改进和创新自己的实践. 高级干事将需要能够在其所有工作中适用公平和公平评价的原则.   

在基金会, 我们相信,将公平作为我们工作的核心将使我们更健康. 这是从内部开始的, 包括有意地应用多样性, 股本, 以及指导我们如何在科罗拉多州社区运作和工作的包容性实践. 例如,我们的基石旨在帮助确保:  

  • 我们为权力、特权和收入较低的科罗拉多人服务,并优先考虑有色人种
  • 我们所做的一切都是为了创造健康公平
  • 我们从社会和我们的服务对象那里得到信息

Candidates will have a personal commitment and connection with our mission and cornerstones; work well in ambiguity and managing change; and proactively identify opportunities to advance our mission while remaining grounded in the day-to-day responsibilities. 他们将需要能够在所有工作中应用卫生公平和种族正义的原则, 以及整合战略形成和细化的概念, 系统思考, 复杂性, 自适应/应急策略, 世界观和权力.  


  • 设计评估来评估战略的进展和影响(超越单一项目)
  • 领导团队或组织学习实践的设计和实现, 具有较强的组织和团队处理能力
  • 将证据和学习纳入组织战略的规划和实施
  • 能够在评估、学习和策略工作中以公平原则为中心
  • 出色的批判性思维能力, 解决问题, 以及即使在相当模糊的情况下也能做出决定和看到前进道路的能力
  • 设计和协调涉及多个利益相关者的多方面和复杂的项目
  • 在团队内部和跨团队中独立和协作工作
  • 识别问题、创新解决方案和不断改进实践的卓越动力
  • 熟练使用微软办公软件


  • 学士学位
  • 至少8年的主要工作经验,包括提供证据, 并支持利益相关者通过稳健的学习实践将证据应用于战略决策
  • 能够以公平原则为中心进行评估、学习和战略工作
  • 有效的科罗拉多州驾驶执照  

加入基金会是一个激动人心的时刻,该基金会的资产包括一个价值约2美元的复杂投资组合.70亿美元,其年度拨款超过1亿美元. 我们提供健全的福利和健康计划,401(k)匹配,以及慷慨的带薪休假计划. 这个位置的范围是105美元,063-$141,作为免薪支付, 并有资格享受瑞士法郎的所有福利. 这是一个在科罗拉多州丹佛市的全职职位,但需要出差. 我们的工作时间表是混合式的,三天在办公室(必须),两天远程工作. 这是一个难得的机会,个人可以通过他们的专业贡献产生有意义的影响. 感兴趣的候选人可以在365bet官网中文登陆的网站上提交简历和求职信.cc68988.com).


365bet官网中文登陆 is an Equal Opportunity Employer and invites qualified candidates from all backgrounds to apply. 

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基金会很高兴地宣布招聘 民意调查高级官员

This unique position leads a signature body of work within the Foundation focused on equipping advocates for health 股本 and racial justice with research-based insight into what shapes Coloradans’ opinions about controversial public policy topics.
The 民意调查高级官员 manages community advisory committees that work closely with consultant teams who have deep expertise in innovative public opinion research methods. These groups collaboratively design and execute research that goes beyond just polling to quantify what Coloradans think about public policy issues to a deeper qualitative approach that identifies the factors that either strengthen or weaken people’s support for policies that advance health 股本.

The 民意调查高级官员 translates research results into messaging guidance for advocates that strengthens their skills for communicating effectively and persuasively about socially sensitive topics. This position designs approaches to sharing research-based insights with Colorado’s advocacy community and policymakers in ways that takes research into strategic actions that activate and persuade people across the ideological spectrum to champion public policies that improve health 股本. 它在慈善领域扮演着独特的角色, and it has lead innovative projects like the development of the messaging guidance to support racial 股本 in COVID-19 vaccination that is now available on CHF’s website.

365bet官网中文登陆 is a statewide philanthropic organization that champions the overall health and well-being of every Coloradan, 倡导并投资于推动卫生公平和种族正义的解决方案和政策. 每一天, we collaborate with organizations and communities across the state to break down the many systemic inequities that stand in the way of health. 我们的工作以三个“必须具备”的基石为指导: 

  • 我们所做的一切都是为了创造健康公平
  • 我们为权力、特权和收入较低的科罗拉多人服务,并优先考虑有色人种
  • 我们从社会和我们的服务对象那里得到信息

Candidates will have a personal commitment and connection with our mission and cornerstones; work well in ambiguity and managing change; and proactively identify opportunities to advance our mission while remaining grounded in the day-to-day responsibilities. 他们将需要能够在所有工作中应用卫生公平和种族正义的原则, 以及整合战略形成和细化的概念, 系统思考, 复杂性, 自适应/应急策略, 世界观和权力.  


  • Gather feedback from Colorado’s advocacy community to design a qualitative public opinion research agenda that helps advocates to learn how they can effectively and persuasively communicate with audiences across the ideological spectrum about public policies that advance health 股本 and racial justice
  • Combine strong project management and change management skills with a high degree of emotional intelligence that can be leveraged to work successfully with partners and audiences who have different viewpoints on contentious issues
  • Select and manage consultants who are able to conduct qualitative and quantitative public opinion research projects in ways that demonstrate a commitment to 股本 and inclusion
  • Design and execute a learning agenda for CHF that facilitates application of the insights gained from qualitative public opinion research in our approaches to advocacy and 沟通策略
  • Develop an engagement strategy with advocacy organizations that supports the widespread adoption of insights and messaging guidance developed from public opinion research
  • 有助于加强基金会自身有效沟通的能力, 并作为沟通和政策团队的高级成员影响公共政策
  • Demonstrate expertise in shaping and executing strategy in ways that advance 股本 while operating in matrixed and interdependent teams

学士学位,这将使你准备做社区变革和中心健康公平的工作. 在倡导联盟和利益相关者管理方面有八年的专业经验, 沟通策略, 项目管理. Preference will be given to applicants with experience in developing organizations’ ability to apply research-based messaging guidance to advocacy 沟通策略.    

加入基金会是一个激动人心的时刻,该基金会的资产包括一个价值约2美元的复杂投资组合.70亿美元,其年度拨款超过1亿美元. 我们提供健全的福利和健康计划,401(k)匹配,以及慷慨的带薪休假计划. 这个职位的起薪范围是$105,063-$123,410, 以免薪方式支付, 并有资格享受瑞士法郎的所有福利.  这是一个在科罗拉多州丹佛市的全职职位,但需要出差. 我们的工作时间表是混合式的,三天在办公室(必须),两天远程工作.  这是一个难得的机会,个人可以通过他们的专业贡献产生有意义的影响. 感兴趣的候选人可以在365bet官网中文登陆的网站上提交简历和求职信.cc68988.com).   

365bet官网中文登陆 is an Equal Opportunity Employer and invites qualified candidates from all backgrounds to apply. 

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